Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Average National SAT Scores for 2014

Average National SAT Scores for 2014 SAT Scores by StateSAT Score Frequently Asked Questions    In 2014,  1,672,395 of you high-schoolers out there registered  and took the SAT, which is the largest number of test-takers in recent history. And now that youve taken it, Id wager that youre interested in knowing what sorts of scores your fellow college applicants have earned. Am I  right? If youre anything like students before you (and probably those who will come after you, too), you want to know how you stack up!  Below, youll read several fun facts (and some shocking ones, too!) about the average national SAT scores for 2014. For some of you, youll be interested in knowing the average SAT scores for students entering the top public schools in the country, and others of you will be curious about scores for the top private schools. If youre just interested in SAT scores in general, then keep on reading, okay? Okay. Overall SAT Scores for 2014 Remember the math term, mean? Of course you do! Its just the average of a set of numbers. In this case, the mean is the average score of every student who took the SAT from the fall of 2013  through June of 2014. The overall score is down by just 1 point this year.   Here are the mean scores for all testers by section: Overall: 1497 Critical Reading: 497 Mathematics: 513 Writing: 487  (subscores: multiple-choice: 48.9  / essay: 7.0) SAT Scores for 2012 SAT Scores for 2013 SAT Scores By Gender Well, it looks like the boys have taken it again  this year in everything but the Writing section, ladies! Girls, you need to get it together! The boys are taking you to town on the Mathematics section! Critical Reading:Males: 499Females: 495 Mathematics:Males: 530Females: 499 Writing:Males: 481Females: 492 SAT Scores By Reported Annual Income It seems, kids, that if your parents are raking in the dough, then your odds of scoring higher on the SAT go up. Just check out the statistics. Now, be sure to use your best reasoning skills. This doesnt mean that kids with a little more cash are the smartest on the block. What else could those numbers imply? Perhaps parents with more wealth are more willing to purchase SAT prep? Perhaps they are more willing to shell out the moolah for retakes? I dont know. We could conjecture all day on this subject, but the stats do not lie; parents making more money produce kids with higher SAT scores. Look: $0 - $20,000Critical Reading: 436Math: 459 $20,000 - $40,000Critical Reading: 467Math: 481 $40,000 - $60,000Critical Reading: 489Math: 500 $60,000 - $80,000Critical Reading: 504Math: 512 $80,000 - $100,000Critical Reading: 516Math: 526 $100,000 - $120,000Critical Reading: 527Math: 539 $120,000 - $140,000Critical Reading: 531Math: 542 $140,000 - $160,000Critical Reading: 539Math: 552 $160,000 - $200,000Critical Reading: 544Math: 558 $200,000 and moreCritical Reading: 569Math: 588 SAT Scores By Ethnicity Although there is no causal relationship between ethnicity and scores, its interesting to take a peek at the differences among us when it comes to test-taking. Here are the mean overall scores by heritage. American Indian or Alaska Native: 1428 Asian, Asian-American or Pacific Islander: 1651 Black of African-American: 1278 Mexican or Mexican-American: 1354 Puerto Rican: 1349 Other Hispanic, Latino, or Latin-American: 1353 White: 1576 Other: 1504 No response: 1371    2014  SAT Scores Summary So, it would appear that if youd really like to knock the SAT out of the ballpark, youd better join a family who makes more than $200,000 per year, make sure to secure the male gender, and adopt the Asian ethnicity. If that doesnt work, you could always prepare regardless of your ethnic heritage or familial status. These statistics represent the mean, but do not, of course represent the individual - YOU. If you have nothing in common with the groups scoring the highest on the SAT, it does NOT mean that you cant secure a top-notch score. Start with some free SAT practice quizzes, grab some free SAT apps, and prepare yourself the best way you can. Good luck!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Require Method in Ruby

The Require Method in Ruby In order to create reusable components, ones that can be easily used in other programs, a programming language must have some way of smoothly importing that code at run-time. In Ruby, the require method is used to load another file and execute all its statements. This serves to import all class and method definitions in the file. In addition to simply executing all of the statements in the file, the require method also keeps track of which files have been previously required and, thus, will not require a file twice. Using the 'require' Method The require method takes the name of the file to require, as a string, as a single argument. This can either be a path to the file, such as ./lib/some_library.rb or a shortened name, such as some_library. If the argument is a path and complete filename, the require method will look there for the file. However, if the argument is a shortened name, the require method will search through a number of pre-defined directories on your system for that file. Using the shortened name is the most common way of using the require method. The following example demonstrates how to use the require statement. The file test_library.rb is in the first code block. This file prints a message and defines a new class. The second code block is the file test_program.rb. This file loads the test_library.rb file using the require method and creates a new TestClass object. puts test_library includedclass TestClassdef initializeputs TestClass object createdendend #!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire test_library.rbt Avoid Name Clashes When writing reusable components, its best not to declare many variables in the global scope outside any classes or methods or by using the $ prefix. This is to prevent something called namespace pollution. If you declare too many names, another program or library might declare the same name and cause a name clash. When two completely unrelated libraries start changing each others variables accidentally, things will break seemingly at random. This is a very difficult bug to track down and its best just to avoid it. To avoid name clashes, you can enclose everything in your library inside of a module statement. This will require people to refer to your classes and method by a fully qualified name such as MyLibrary::my_method, but its worth it since name clashes generally wont occur. For people who want to have all of your class and method names in the global scope, they can do that using the include statement. The following example repeats the previous example but encloses everything in a MyLibrary module. Two versions of my_program.rb are given; one that uses the include statement and one that does not. puts test_library includedmodule MyLibraryclass TestClassdef initializeputs TestClass object createdendendend #!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire test_library2.rbt #!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire test_library2.rbinclude MyLibraryt Avoid Absolute Paths Because reusable components often get moved around, its also best not to use absolute paths in your require calls. An absolute path is a path like /home/user/code/library.rb. Youll notice that the file must be in that exact location in order to work. If the script is ever moved or your home directory ever changes, that require statement will stop working. Instead of absolute paths, its often common to create a ./lib directory in your Ruby programs directory. The ./lib directory is added to the $LOAD_PATH variable which stores the directories in which the require method searches for Ruby files. After that, if the file my_library.rb is stored in the lib directory, it can be loaded into your program with a simple require my_library statement. The following example is the same as the previous test_program.rb examples. However, it assumes the test_library.rb file is stored in the ./lib directory and loads it using the method described above. #!/usr/bin/env ruby$LOAD_PATH ./librequire test_library.rbt

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Supervisory management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Supervisory management - Coursework Example 2. The main ways of non-verbal means of communication are as follows: keeping a certain personal space, looking into a person or object, mimics and poses, vocal attributes of the voice (tone, pitch), and speech tempo. The ways nonverbal signals influence supervisory communication are therefore: contributing to verbal messages making the speech more expressive; helping to understand feelings and thoughts of interlocutor by building rapport; their use instead of verbal messages (sometimes it is enough to use a gesture of a exclamation); regulating interaction between people in the process of communication, including subordination. In the process of nonverbal communication, it is quite easy to get comprehensive information about the personality of the communicator (his or her temperament, emotional state, image of â€Å"self† and self-esteem, personal traits) and about the attitude of the interlocutors towards each other and towards the situation itself. Among the effective nonverbal communication techniques there are the techniques of establishing contact, rapport, and evoking trust. There are also some techniques that can effectively influence the state of an interlocutor: increasing his or her interest, decreasing the level of aggression, etc. An efficient communicator should possess the skills of calibration of the state and reactions of people – which allows to determine an interlocutor’s true intentions, reasons for behaviour, thoughts, etc. Sending the right signals in the process of communication is also extremely important as this â€Å"meta-message† gives the interlocutor all information about the attitude to the subject of conversation on the subconscious level. 3. The key rule of corporate communications is their relevance to corporate strategy that will eventually determine the goals and content of messages. The three major spheres where communications

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Seizure meds(Advanced pharmacology) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seizure meds(Advanced pharmacology) - Assignment Example Carbamazepine is absorbed into the small intestines after oral administration rapidly and reliably. Both agents have dose-limited absorption. Referring to the pharmacodynamics, Gabapentin has analgesic properties that are considered therapeutic. Carbamazepine decreases the conductivity of Na+ also inhibits the ectopic discharges and thus alleviates pain. In terms of metabolism, in humans the two drugs undergo metabolism corresponding to N-Methyl metabol though minimally. The drugs do not have interactions with other drugs as they undergo minimal metabolism (Bennet & Simpsons, 2004). Comparison studies for efficacy have been carried out and research conducted shows that Gabapentin is more suited for use as it has clearly shown analgesic effects. This is based on studies conducted and its effects exhibited. The two drugs are used to manage neuropathic pain as the effects of neuropathic pain on the nervous system present same similarities with the pathophysiological phenomena that are observed in convulsing diseases such as epilepsy and therefore anticonvulsant medication is administered in the management of neuropathic pain (Bennet & Simpsons,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Blind and Vision Impairment Essay Example for Free

Blind and Vision Impairment Essay Millions of Americans have the tendency to confuse being vision impaired as being blind but in all actuality they are different. This summary will break down the different components of blindness and vision impaired highlighting the components of the two. Blindness: When a person is legally blind their visual acuity is 20/200 or worse in the better eye with corrective lenses (20/200 means that a person at 20 feet from an eye chart can see what a person with normal vision could see at 200 feet). Visual field restriction to 20 degrees or less (tunnel vision) in the better is another component to blindness. An individual who suffers from advanced glaucoma, retinal degenerations, and neurologic disorders usually qualify under this criterion. Legal blindness is very common in older people because eyesight tends to worsen with time and age. Approximately 135 out of every 1,000 people over the age of 65 are considered legally blind. About 1. 3 million Americans fall into this category. Only about 10% of legally blind people read Braille, and a much smaller percentage use white canes or guide dogs. Vision Impairment: Visual Impairment or Vision Impairment is vision loss that constitutes a significant limitation of visual capability resulting from disease, trauma, or a congenital or degenerative condition that cannot be corrected by conventional means, including refractive correction, medication, or surgery. Partially sighted indicates some type of visual problem, with a need of a person to receive special education in some cases. Low vision generally refers to a severe visual impairment, not necessarily limited to distance vision. Low vision applies to all individuals with sight who are unable to read the newspaper at a normal viewing distance, even with the aid of eyeglasses or contact lenses. They use a combination of vision and other senses to learn, although they may require adaptations in lighting or the size of print, and sometimes, Braille. Common phrases used with vision impairment is near-sighted or short-sighted, the correct term is Myopic which is unable to see distant objects clearly. Another common phrases used with vision impairment is far-sighted or long-sighted; the correct term is Hyperopic which is unable to see close objects clearly.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Social Interaction of a Men’s Soccer Team Essay -- Anthropology Sp

The Social Interaction of a Men’s Soccer Team In the field of Anthropology, there have been numerous studies on soccer and the different social plays that the sport contains. Groundbreaking and controversial writings such as Marcelo Mario Suarez-Orozco’s, A Study of Argentine Soccer: The Dynamics of Its Fans and Their Folklore (1982) study the fans and symbolism that surround the game. However, a key element that is often disregarded by anthropologists is the players themselves. Dismissed as the realm of journalists, most studies seem to shy away from the social interaction and symbolism that occurs within the team, and instead focus on how the fans view the game and the games role and symbolism within society as a whole. As a senior soccer player on the Occidental College men’s soccer team, I have a unique insider’s viewpoint on the social world inside a soccer squad, and this perspective can add much to the current argument about the presence of latent homosexuality within the world of soccer. Soccer at Occidental is an intercollegiate NCAA division three sport. During the season, â€Å"the boys† practice together, eat together, hang out together, take road trips together, and many live together. As an example of this closeness, during the season I lived with the six other seniors on the soccer team in a small, cramped house. In the off-season, the team is not as tight, but teammates remain friends, hang out, party, and play soccer a couple of times a week. As a lifetime soccer player and fan, as well as a senior on the Occidental team, I can provide a unique insider’s perspective to the world of soccer. This insider’s view into the social lives and interactions of soccer players offers a contrastive view to some of ... ...ritique or response to Suarez-Orozco’s theories. I merely wanted to examine whether they existed in the lives of the players at Occidental. I found no evidence to support his theories that the goal symbolizes the anus of the opponent, but I did find considerable evidence to support his secondary theories on masculinity and femininity. Other than sharing the love for a sport, I do not see much connection between what he studied, the fans in Argentina, versus what I studied, college players at Oxy. I was merely interested to see how his theories existed here. Therefore, I am not saying that he was wrong in any way, just that in America, soccer is slightly different. Bibliography Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo Mario. 1982. A Study of Argentine Soccer: The Dynamics of its Fans and Their Folklore. The Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology 5 (1):8-28.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Philippines Mdg

PHILIPPINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2011-2016 MDGs in the National Development Plan Cleofe S. Pastrana National Economic and Development Authority Republic of the Philippines Sub-Regional Workshop for LDCs in Achieving MDGs Incheon, Republic of Korea 14 16 September 2011 Outline of presentation  § Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016  § Inclusion of the MDGs in Various PDP Chapters  § Challenges in Achieving the MDGs Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 2 Social Contract with the Filipino PeopleA country with an organized and widely shared rapid expansion of our economy through a government dedicated to honing and mobilizing our people s skills and energies as well as the responsible harnessing of our natural resources. Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 3 Three broad strategies to achieve inclusive growth†¦ INCLUSIVE GROWTH OUTCOMES REDUCE POVERTY INCREASE EMPLOYMENT PDP 2011-2016 BROAD STRATEGIES HIGH AND SUSTAINED ECONOMIC GROWTH EQUAL ACCESS TO DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES EFFECTIVE AND RESPONSIVE SOCIAL SAFETY NETS 4-16 September 2011 Republic of the Philippines 4 Social Contract s 16-Point Agenda Philippine Development Plan Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 5 Key programs and strategies in the Philippine Development Plan 20112016 Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 6 Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 1. Introduction 2. Macroeconomic Policy 3. Competitive Industry and Services Sectors 4. Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries Sector 5. Accelerating Infrastructure Development Republic of the Philippines 4-16 September 2011 7 Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 6. Towards a Dynamic and Resilient Financial System 7. Good Governance and the Rule of Law 8. Social Development 9. Peace and Security 10. Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources Towards Sustainable Development Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 8 Where do the Mi llennium Development Goals come in? The Philippine Development Plan affirms the government s commitment to attain the MDGs. Republic of the Philippines 4-16 September 2011 9 Chapter 1: In pursuit of inclusive growth [Inclusive growth] is sustained growth that creates jobs, draws the majority into the economic and social mainstream, and continuously reduces mass poverty. Growth in short was not inclusive owing to the basic disregard of the people s will and failure to render full and complete justice for all †¦ hence the MDG of universal primary education is consistent with inclusive growth . Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 10 Chapter 3: Competitive Industry and Services SectorThe government will [therefore]: (1) maintain and safeguard economic security in multilateral, regional, and bilateral economic engagements; (2) maintain and safeguard national and economic security through strategic partnerships within the Asian region to ensure that Philippine foreign po licy decisions, are taken in the context of Asian Regionalism and Asian Community; (3) continuously evaluate multilateralism and the stability of international organizations; and (4) work to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) targets by 2015 and reduce poverty through intensified international cooperation.Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 11 Chapter 4: Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries Sector The sector s (agriculture and fisheries) development is therefore vital in achieving inclusive growth and poverty reduction as well as attaining the targets under the MDGs. Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 12 Chapter 7: Good Governance and Rule of Law Corruption and lack of transparency are major constraints to the achievement of the MDGs.To say that corruption and poor governance abet and worsen poverty is no exaggeration. Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap. Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 13 Chapter 8: Social Dev elopment Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 14 Chapter 8: Social Development The social development sector shall focus on ensuring an enabling policy environment for inclusive growth, poverty reduction, convergence of service delivery, maximized synergies, and active multi-stakeholder participation.Priority strategies include: (a) attaining the MDGs; (b) providing direct conditional cash transfers (CCT) to the poor; (c) achieving universal coverage in health and basic education; (d) adopting the community-driven development (CDD) approach; (e) converging social protection programs for priority beneficiaries and target areas†¦ Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 15 Chapter 8: Social DevelopmentHealth The National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) shall be strengthened as the prime mover in improving financial risk protection, generating resources to modernize and sustain health facilities, improving the provision of health services to achieve the MDGs, a nd reducing the risks of lifestyle-related illnesses Social Protection Direct CCTs to the poor through the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program shall be the cornerstone of the government s strategy to fight poverty and attain the MDGs. 16 Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 Chapter 8: Social Development HousingMoreover, the housing sector aims to achieve the MDG of significantly improving the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers worldwide by 2020. With the formulation of the National Slum Upgrading Strategy, a systematic focusing of programs and coordination efforts is expected to be realized. Education Accelerate the implementation of the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda s five key reform areas towards the attainment of the goals of EFA and the MDGs: (a) school-based management (SBM); (b) national learning strategies; (c) quality assurance and accountability; (d) complementary interventions; and (e) institutional culture change.Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 17 Chapter 8: Social Development Indicators Baseline 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MDG Related Health Indicators Prevalence of underweight children under 5 (%) Proportion of households with per capita intake below 100% dietary energy requirement (%) Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) Republic of the Philippines 20. 6 (2008) 66. 9 (2008) 17. 6 16. 6 15. 6 14. 6 13. 7 12. 7 54. 1 49. 9 45. 41. 4 37. 1 32. 8 34 (2008) 25 (2008) 31. 6 23 30. 4 22 29. 2 21 28 20 26. 7 19. 0 25. 5 17 14-16 September 2011 18 Chapter 8: Social Development Indicators Baseline 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MDG-Related Health Indicators Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (all methods) Proportion of births attended by a health professional (%) Proportion of births delivered in health facilities (%) 95-163 (2010, NSCB) 97 56. 2 69 84 57. 9 72 70 59. 7 75 1 61. 4 80 52 63 85 50 51 (2008) 62 (200 8) 44 (2008) 90 69 72 75 80 85 90 Republic of the Philippines 14-16 September 2011 19 Chapter 8: Social Development Indicators Baseline 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MDG-Related Health Indicators HIV Prevalence Malaria morbidity rate per 100,000 Malaria mortality rate TB prevalence rate per 100,000 TB mortality rate per 100,000 TB case detection rate TB cure rate Republic of the Philippines Less than 1% (2009) 22 (2009) 0. 03 (2009) 486 (2008) 41 (2007)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Culture and Substance Abuse

The juvenile justice and the adolescent treatment systems have various linkages that can be looked at for long term sustainability. A linkage between various serving agencies is one of the most notable system linkages. As far as system linkages are concerned, building positive relationships is always existent between the two. This has been done for an effective system to ensure that there are positive outcomes based on the correlation that exists (Antai-Otong, 2008, p. 17). There is a lot of appropriate supervision to ensure that juveniles and adolescents are transformed. This has been done by sharing information that can be used as time goes by to turn around both juveniles and adolescents. Cross system coordination has also existed as an important linkage that can be employed for long term sustainability. To ensure that system linkages are effective, there are a lot of community coordination links. Facilities are also a system linkage between the juvenile justice and the adolescent training system. There is no difference between juveniles and adolescents and this means that the system is linked by programs that will involve everybody (Copeman, 2003, p. 6). Another system linkage is research and practice that ensures that the needs of the juvenile justice and the adolescent training system are catered for. The legal system is also linked to ensure that cases are effectively dealt with. Question Two Treatment of substance abuse for juvenile offenders requires a lot of planning for efficiency. This means that there are a lot of clinical and programmati c issues that are involved in planning for treatment. Direct inquiries are made in relation to the treatment that will be offered to ensure that everything is well planned for. Design controlled clinical treatment is another aspect that is done in advance to ensure that juvenile offenders are attended to in specific reference to their problem. Everything needs to be designed from the beginning to ensure that there will be efficiency in treatment for juvenile offenders (Siegel, 2005, p. 19). An upward bound program is designed as far as clinical and programmatic issues are concerned to ensure that there is proper planning. Some of these aspects might include a counseling program that is always effective in ensuring that uveniles who have been abusing drugs are recovering well. Treatment planning is an issue that needs to be put into consideration with an aim of placing good guidelines that will guide the whole process. Before a placement plan is developed, there is need to do a behavioral observation on juveniles. This is because there might be some behavioral problems that might make it impossible to achieve effective treatment (Rang, 2003, p. 34). Juvenile offenders are supposed to be grouped in relation to their substance abuse needs and this is another issue as far as planning for treatment is concerned. Question Three Supportive programs and services are some of the factors that have been used to engage hard to reach adolescent populations. This is because some of these populations are always violent meaning that they are supposed to be approached cautiously. Voluntary counseling is a good approach to reach hard to find adolescent populations (Sullivan, 2001, p. 47). This ensures that they are positively influenced without creating any problem in relation to their general well being and welfare. Identification of specific characteristics in a given population is another factor that has always been used to engage hard to reach adolescents. As a matter of fact, identification of challenges is very important to ensure that a good program is designed for long term sustainability. Conclusion It is undeniable that drugs and substance abuse have become a very important element of youth culture as time goes by. In this case, the abuse of drugs has become a normal trend among the youths thereby forming a culture amongst them. This means that drugs give youths an identity from the rest who do not use drugs. All this withstanding, drugs will continue to play an integral part in youth culture (Copeman, 2003, p. 31). This is because they consider it as a normal thing and aspect of their lives. As a matter of fact, young guys who attend parties consider drugs as a must have. There are youths who are experimenting with drugs to fit in a given group and this could be because of peer pressure. This is what they consider as culture but it has occasionally led to substance abuse in the long run.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Conservatives vs liberalists essays

Conservatives vs liberalists essays There are two mainstream ideologies that have dominated American politics since the existence of our government. These two political ideologies are conservatism and liberalism. Political ideologies refer to a consistent patter of ideas or beliefs about our political values and how we view the role of the government. Conservatives want to enhance the liberties of individuals by keeping the national government small, except in the area of national defense. Liberals wish to bring about justice and equality of opportunity through positive uses of government. They want to preserve the rights of the individual and the right to own private property, but they are willing to allow the government to intervene in the economy to fix the inequalities caused by capitalism. In Government by the People, there is a people debate between Pete DuPont and Mitchell Cohen. DuPont defends the position of conservatism while Cohen takes the position of liberalism. Each provides strong arguments for which vie w is more beneficial to us as a society, but DuPont makes it clear that conservatism leads to a stronger society consisting of hard-working and dependable individuals. Liberals, in general, have a tendency to favor change, faith in human reason, willingness to use government to improve the human condition, and are optimistic about human nature. Cohen says that there are three basic entwined ideas for liberals: liberty, equality, and solidarity. He believes that we should all have an equal opportunity to pursue our goals in society, but this is not the case because there is not a level playing field. According to Cohen, people are born into a world in which some people have a considerable advantage with resources while many others are at a disadvantage. This makes it much more difficult for the people born without equal resources to succeed. Liberals believe that humans are rational self-interested individuals who seek to improve their li...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Quotes From Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Quotes From Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad The  Heart of Darkness,  a novel  published in 1899, is a famous work by Joseph Conrad. The authors experiences in Africa provided him with plenty of material for this work, a  tale of a man who gives into the enticements of power. Here are a few quotes from Heart of Darkness. The River The Congo River serves as a major setting for the books narrative. The novels narrator, Marlow, spends months navigating up the river in search of Kurtz, an ivory trader, who has gone missing deep in the heart of Africa. The river is also a metaphor for Marlows internal, emotional journey to find the elusive Kurtz. The old river in its broad reach rested unruffled at the decline of day, after ages of good service done to the race that peopled its banks, spread out in the tranquil dignity of a waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth.Hunters for gold or pursuers of fame, they all had gone out on that stream, bearing the sword, and often the torch, messengers of the might within the land, bearers of a spark from the sacred fire. What greatness had not floated on the ebb of that river into the mystery of an unknown earth!In and out of rivers, streams of death in life, whose banks were rotting into mud, whose waters, thickened with slime, invaded the contorted mangroves, that seemed to writhe at us in the extremity of an impotent despair. Dreams and Nightmares The story actually takes place in London,  where Marlow tells his tale to a group of friends while they are on a boat anchored on the River Thames. He describes his adventures in Africa alternately as a dream and a nightmare, trying to get his listeners to mentally conjure the images that he witnessed during his journey. Nowhere did we stop long enough to get a particularlised impression, but the general sense of vague and oppressive wonder grew upon me.  It was like a weary pilgrimage amongst hints for nightmares.The dreams of men, the seed of commonwealth, the germs of empires.Do you see him? Do you see the story? Do you see anything? It seems I am trying to tell you a dream   making a vain attempt, because no relation of a dream can convey the dream-sensation, that commingling of absurdity, surprise, and bewilderment in a tremor of struggling revolt, that notion of being captured by the incredible which is the very essence of dreams. Darkness Darkness is a key part of the novel, as the title implies. Africa at that time was considered a dark continent. Once Marlow finds Kurtz, he sees him as a man infected with a heart of darkness. Images of dark, scary places are scattered throughout the novel. And this also  ... has been one of the dark places of the earth.Often far away there I thought of these two, guarding the door of Darkness, knitting black wool as for a warm pall, one introducing, introducing continuously to the unknown, the other scrutinizing the cheery and foolish faces with unconcerned old eyes.We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. Savagery and Colonialism The novel takes place at the height of the age of colonialism and Britain was the worlds mightiest colonial power. Britain and the other European powers were considered to be civilized, while much of the rest of the world was considered to populated by savages. Those images permeate the book. In some inland post feel the savagery, the utter savagery, had closed round him ...  .When one has got to make correct entries, one comes to hate those savages   hate them to the death.The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Reality of work cultures in the modern economy Essay

The Reality of work cultures in the modern economy - Essay Example However, it also has challenges hence one needs to carry out due diligence to overcome them. For instance, different corporate cultures affect the realization of the benefits, and this works for employees as well as the new organization. This paper will discuss the case of Rosenfeld and its acquisition of Cadbury. It will examine the traditional values of Cadbury and the ways they are different with Kraft. Cadbury was one of the largest and known companies producing chocolate and other creamy products in the UK. The company employed many workforces on permanent and contract in order to deliver services to the large consumer base (Rigby 2010 c). The company also outlined the values in which it related and expected its employees to adhere, and it was important in achieving competitive advantage. However, the company and its employees lost all these values upon its acquisition by Kraft (Marino 2010). It was a loss to the employees as their benefits and the work culture they enjoyed could no longer be guaranteed. One of the traditional values of Cadbury was adequate compensation for work done (Cadbury 2010). Employees were paid for their work without any problem, and this helped in boosting their morale when working. The payment for every worker based on the output and was assured of pay when time reached. This value was important to the traditional company only to be changed by Kraft since it could no longer pay the workforce leading to job loss (Eaglesham 2010). Secondly, Cadbury recognized the value of job security as all employees were guaranteed a job (Scott 2009 b). The company achieved this by opening many distribution and manufacturing centers across with hopes of employing many people and making them secure their jobs. Job security has proved to be an important factor and a motivator of employees’ performances (Beaudin 2010). However, Kraft does not share this value since they do not guarantee their employees permanent employment,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Reponse paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reponse paper - Essay Example She goes and does not locate the cat. She passes by the reception she encounter the padrone who makes her feel small yet of supreme importance. However, something changes since when she goes back to the room, the husband pays attention as the American girl chatters about her boyish appearance and her desire to possess a cat. The husband distasteful orders her to find something to read. This essay is a response addressing the connotation short story â€Å"Cat in The Rain† by Hemingway. ‘Cat in the rain’ is portrayal of women’s status in a male dominated society. The story is pertinent because it displays the women’s desire for freedom do what they want as opposed to what is expected of them by the husband or the society. Gender roles and gender specific expectations and issues have long been developed by patriarchal society to maintain a control over them. Indeed, even the husbands rarely recognized the interests of the women. Hemingway’s story highlights the women’s desire to be free demonstrated by the great desire of the American Wife to free the cat and own it, which depicts their yearning to be free. Cat therefore, symbolizes women’s status that at all times strives to conform to the demands of their husband. ‘It isn’t any fun to be a poor kitty out in the rain’ (Hemingway Web) reflects the nostalgia of the woman to flee from her vigilant and domineering husband. The protagonist in the story is first addressed as ‘American wife’ and then as ‘American girl’ that subtly defines the difference between a married girl and girl who can pursue their happiness as they deem within the broader framework of patriarchal society. This depicts marriage as a form of confinement for women. Indeed, social conditioning significantly affects marital bond and makes women rebel against the restrictions that make